Smarter addresses

We make your addresses intelligent.

Our addresses knows more and can do more than ordinary addresses.

Send your addresses to Fraktjakt's talent school.

Connect shipment instructions to your addresses

Our smart addresses have full support for all the world's addresses with zip code lookup, c/o addresses, port codes, alternative sender names, default pickup/delivery and the possibility to save custom shipping instructions directly on your addresses. Enter unique pick-up and delivery information linked to each address and it will be less complicated for both you and your recipients. Smarter shipping with smarter addresses.

Built-in statistics

With the address book you get access to easy-to-see statistics on how many shipments you sent to each contact. You can also click on the number to view the freight in a list of all shipments to and from that contact.

Send directly from the address book

When it's time to book shipping, you can quickly access your addresses, either from Fraktjakt's shipping page and/or directly from your address book by clicking on 'send to' or 'send from'.

Automatic information from matched addresses

If an address is sent through your order links that match one of your addresses to your address register, they will be automatically supplemented with other shipping information. Such as mobile numbers and telephone numbers for notification, as well as directions, port code, pick-up instructions, desired times / days and delivery instructions from the information of your saved addresses.

International freight is also supplemented with necessary information such as organization number / tax number, Eori, VOEC, IOSS, VAT, EKAER, MVA, UK supply VAT and Rex number.

Shipping should be quick & easy!

Avoid the boring input of addresses and shipping information through an automatic connection between your ecommerce system and Fraktjakt.

With Fraktjakt you can easily handle all your shipping online. Fraktjakt is a free service to more easily compare and buy freight services from several different shipping companies with or without their own freight agreements.

A more enjoyable shipping

Shipping should neither be difficult nor time consuming. That's why we offer many simplifying solutions like an Automatic address register, Smarter addresses, Intelligent commodity templates, Smart package templates, Automatic packing optimizations, Shipping integrations, Automatic shipping selections, E-commerce integration and the shipping world's easiest order import for a much faster booking process. You are able to combine invoices even on shipments from different shipping companies and providing really good service goes without saying, where our popular customer support navigates your through all adventures your shipping may experience. Happy shipping!

FAQ about addresses

What is a delivery address?

A delivery address is the recipient's street address where the driver can deliver goods and shipments, as well as obtain a receipt. Delivery address must include a street address. Box address is not a valid delivery address for package shipments.

What is a delivery address?

A postal address is used for letter deliveries. It can be either a street address or a box address.

What is a c/o address?

The designation c/o is an abbreviation of the term care of which means take care of. It is listed on the first line of the street address in front of the name of the person handling the mail. Residents and those who sublet housing are not recommended to enter a c/o address. They should instead put their name directly on the door and on the post or property box at the entrance.

C/O should not be used in pickup addresses. Enter an alternative sender name instead.

What do administrative postal codes mean?

Administrative postal codes are exceptions to geographic postal codes. It can be Poste restante, Competition post, Reply post/Free reply, Boxes or Bulk customer postcode.

Poste restante, the recipient can pick up the mail at Postnord's delivery office, without the addressee having a post office box. In the postcode system, there are a number of postcodes set aside for Poste restante.

Competition post is used for competitions where the answers come by physical letter and is most common in big cities.

Reply post/Frisvar is a service where the recipient pays the postage in arrears.

What does box post number mean?

A box postcode is a postcode for a postbox facility. The box postcode indicates the geographic area in which the box facility is located. Box plus a number is entered as the delivery address in the postal address. In order for the mail handling to work, it is required that the addressees have reported a ”special postal address” to the Swedish Tax Agency's Folkbokföringsenhett.

Please note: Box addresses are not available for pickup and delivery services.

What is a Major Client postal code?

Major Client Postal Codes can be assigned at the initiative of the postal operator to customers in metropolitan areas with a large number of daily shipments. It provides an easier rationalization of shipping. The own postcodes may only be used for letters. Major Client Postal Codes do not work for parcel services, which are distributed and acknowledged at the customer's delivery address. Addresses using Major Client Postal Codes are entered without a delivery address, as they do not precisely define the addressee's geographical position.

Goodbye boredom and inefficiency

Get rid of boring and tedious shipping management and let shipping become fun again with Fraktjakt automation.

Join Fraktjakt today!

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